Manuals and Repair Guides

A small collection that we are growing here of manuals that we scan in as we find them or grab from other web sources whilst we maintenance and repair typewriters. We like to give the customer a printed manual with their typewriter if they don’t have one. Can’t find what your after? Feel free to send a comment and ask.

IBM Selectric

IBM Selectric Service Manual

Covers the:

  • Selectric   7XX Model
  • Selectric II   8 XX Model
  • Correcting Selectric  II   8XX Model
  • 96 Selectric    9XX  Model
  • Will work for most of the Selectric III models as well



SM-8 and SM-9 were introduced in 1964 and through through the late 70s.





1955 Royal Quiet De Luxe Color Selection Ad

This is the 4 panel, double sided advertisement promoting the color selections, typefaces, and case for the Royal Quiet De Luxe of 1955. This came with my 1955 Royal  QDL in Ankony Blue